Lucy School is a unique and special place, a haven for arts-based education and so much more.   Inspiring teachers help light a spark in each child, and children inspire one another and their entire community.   The impact these children will have as they grow and develop, which the base they receive at Lucy School will nurture,  is endless.   The world needs what our children can do!  

Make your pledge now!

We need to support and nurture our teachers with competitive salaries and professional opportunities to keep this inspiring program thriving.  We need to continue the upkeep of our beautiful campus and keep our program vibrant and strong.  

As in all independent schools, as a nonprofit, we can accept tax-deductible donations to support our goals through our annual fund drive.  

We are thrilled to share that an anonymous supporter of Lucy School has pledged a match of up to $25,000.   So, regardless of size, each donation you make will be doubled through June 2024.